Saturday, 9 June 2012

Sales Order

Sales Order

Sales orders let you enter items for a customer, then invoice and ship the items as they become available in your inventory, tracking the backorders in the system. You can view inventory reports that show the number of items backordered for your customers to help you plan your purchases. You can enter a sales order even before you have inventory to ship to your customer. To enter the sale order, go to the task drop down menu and select the option sales/quotes, from that sub menu select the 2nd option sales order. As shown in the below picture:

When you will click on the option the new window will appear:

First enter the customer’s ID to whom you are going to send the sales order. The purpose of sales order is basically for the company so that the company can make the goods ready for the sale. The address (if given at the time of making of customer) will appear in “Bill To”. Enter the date on which you are making sales order. In “Good Thru” date enter that date till which you want to make the order valid. Enter the SO which is mandatory. After filling all the requirements press the button “save” to save your actions

Friday, 8 June 2012

Recording of payments

Recording of payments

This allows you to write checks for vendor invoices, for payments that don't have a vendor invoice, and for prepayments or discounts. You can also write a check to a customer. To record the payments go to the ask drop down list select the option payments as shown in figure:

When you will click on the option “payments” the new window will open. In the payments window you can add the payments you have made to the vendors, and the payments made for the other expenses like salaries, wages, maintenance costs etc. if you have to make the payments for the salaries write “accrued salaries payable”. In description you will also write the same. Give the GL account of “salaries payable”. Write the total amount paid for the salaries. When you will enter after writing the amount the check box will be tick marked automatically. Now save your transaction by clicking the button, save.

Now if you are recording for the payment to your vendor then select the vendor’s ID to whom you are going to make the payment. The tab will shift from “apply to expenses” to apply to invoices”. The invoice number, amount due, and the due date for the payment will be written over there already. You just have to write the discount (if any) and the amount paid. When you will click enter button from your keyboard then the “pay” box will be checked automatically.  Now click the button save in order to save the task.

Recording of Receipts

Recording of Receipts

Receipt means the amount we receive against the sale we made to our customer. This is used when we received amount of credit sales. The receipts window allows you to enter all checks, cash, and credit card slips you receive and deposit them in your checking account. There are two ways you can account for receipts in Peachtree:
·         If you sent an invoice to a customer, you apply the receipt to the invoice. Invoices entered in the Sales/Invoicing window appear as distribution lines when you enter the customer ID. You can check the Pay column beside each invoice being paid in full by this receipt.
·         If you made a direct sale that didn't require an invoice, you use Receipts and enter it on the Apply to Revenues tab. This requires you to specify a check number and sales account.
To record the receipts in the Peachtree go to the task drop down menu and select the option receipts. As shown in figure:

When you will click the receipts option the new window will open at your screen.

Now in the above mentioned window select the customer’s ID from which you are going to receive your receipts against the sale you made. Now the recording of receipts can be made by two ways either against the sales invoice you have already issued to the customer or by the direct sale. First we will see the method of direct receipts. Select the customer from which you have to receive the cash if you have not made the invoice against that customer the tab of “apply to revenues” will not shift to the tab “apply to invoices”. Enter the reference number, receipt number and the date on which you are recording the data. Fill out the requirements like quantity, item, description and unit price. The total amount will be calculated automatically. The receipt number is mandatory to enter. Click the save button in order to save your work.

Now if you are receiving the cash against your sales invoice made already. Select the customer ID the tab will shift from “apply to revenues” to apply to invoice”. The invoice number, date due for the receipt and the amount will be filled automatically. You just have to write the amount received. When you will press enter after writing the amount the next box “pay” will be tick marked automatically. Now save your transaction by clicking the button “save”.

Sales return or credit memo

Sales return or credit memo

You can use the Credit Memos window to enter credit memos for customer returns and credits; you can apply credit memos to any existing customer invoices. All entries made on this window are posted to General Ledger, customer records, and possibly inventory and job records. You have the choice of applying transactions to Jobs through the distribution list box. The Credit Memos window allows you to enter as many as 500 return or credit line items per memo. To record the sales return, go to the task drop down list and select the option credit memos. As shown in the below picture:

When you will click to the option, a new window will appear on your screen.

Select the customer’s ID to whom you are going to return the inventory. As you select the ID the tab will be shifted from “apply to sales” to “apply to invoice number”. Select the invoice, from which you are going to receive the sales returns, enter the credit memo number. It is mandatory to give the credit no otherwise your entry will not be saved. Write the returned amounts to the “return” list the total amount will be calculated automatically.

Purchase return or vendor credit memo

Purchase return or vendor credit memo

Use the Vendor Credit Memos window to enter credit memos for returns to and credits from a vendor; you can apply credit memos to any existing vendor invoices that have not been paid. All entries made on this window are posted to General Ledger, vendor records, and when applicable, inventory and job records. You have the choice of applying memos to jobs through the distribution list box when you enter an item ID, the quantity on hand is reduced by the quantity entered. Vendor Credit Memos allows you to enter as many as 500 return or credit line items per memo. To record the purchase returns go to the task drop down list and select the option vendor credit memos. As shown in the below picture:

When you will click to the option, a new window will appear on your screen.

Select the vendor’s ID to whom you are going to return the inventory. As you select the ID the tab will be shifted from “apply to purchases” to “apply to invoice number”. Select the invoice, against which you are going to return the inventory, enter the credit memo number. It is mandatory to give the credit no otherwise your entry will not be saved. Write the returned amounts to the “return” list the total amount will be calculated automatically.

Sale Invoice

Sale Invoice

 You can use the Sales/Invoicing window to enter invoices for customers. All entries made here are posted to General Ledger, customer records, and possibly job and inventory records. Sale invoice means the goods which are send to the customer, who purchases this from us. So it means the sale order we make in sale order we send these goods to the customer. So for invoice go to task menu, open the list of tasks and select the option sales invoice. As shown in the below picture:

When you will select this option the sales invoice’s window will open.

This window also have the almost look like sale order and sale quotation but there is a slight difference in it. If selling goods to a customer, who’s sale order is not be made or his sale order will be made before our use of Peachtree software. So we can make sales to customer whose order was not be made by us. First we select the customer where the customer ID has been asking from us. So select the customer from our customers list.  Then we have to select the date when we are selling our goods to our customer and then invoice number we must have to given to this sale. Then give the address at which goods are sending or the address of the customer so in case of any problem it will be helpful for both the parties. There is an option of Customer PO in which purchase order is written which is the purchase order number of the customer. If you are on to the tab APPLY TO SALES it means you are making a sale to a customer against which no sale order or sale quotation has been recorded. It means you are making sales to our customer but it is direct sales and without any sale order. So first write the quantity and then item. When select the item in item column the name of the item will be automatically shown in the description column. Then write the unit price of the product, the total amount will be calculated automatically and shown in the amount column.

Now if you are making an invoice on the previous sales order then as you will select the customer the tab “apply to purchases” will shift to “apply to sales order” automatically. Select the SO number against which you are invoicing your customer. The list of the items will appear automatically.

Click the save button to save your data.

Conversion of sales quotation in sales order

Conversion of sales quotation in sales order

You can also directly convert your sales quotation into your sales order. In order to do this just go to the task drop down list select the sales quotation the window will appear. At top of the window the convert button is there select the quotation that you want to convert in sales order. When the quotation is selected, press the button “convert” then your quotation will be converted to the sales order.

When you will click on the convert button a new window will appear as:

If we want to convert the quotation in a sale invoice then we will select the first option “Sale/Invoice”, enter the “Invoice #” and press “OK”. If we want to convert the quotation in a sale invoice and print it then we will select the second option “Sale/Invoice and print now” and press “OK”. If we want to convert the quotation in a sale order then we will select the third option “Sale Order”, enter the “SO #” and press “OK”.

Sales Quotation

Sales Quotation

Quotes are printed estimates for a possible sale that can be presented to either a new prospect or recorded customer. When you print or save a sales quote, you do not actually update accounting information. The sale is recorded and accounting information updated when you convert the quote to a sales invoice. We make quotations to tell the our prices, terms and conditions, rules, consignment package rules and all the other required information regarding order.
To prepare the sales quotation, go in the “task” drop down menu and select the first option Quotes/sales orders from that option select option quotes. As shown in figure:

We can also open the quotation window from the navigation aid option given in the main screen. Go on Navigation aid option and select the option “sales” then select on the picture showing dollar sign to open the quotation window. As shown in the figure:

From any of the two ways, when you will click the sales quotation option the following window will open:

In the above mentioned window enter the customer ID. Add that customer ID to which you are going to send the quotation. The address (if given at the time of making of customer) will appear in “Bill To”. Enter the date on which you are making quotation. In “Good Thru” date enter that date till which you want to make the quotation valid. After the date of “goods thru” the company will not be responsible for the terms and conditions mentioned in the quotation. Enter the quotation no. which is mandatory. After filling all the requirements press the button “save” to save your actions.

Making of Assemblies

Making of Assemblies

You use the Assemblies selection to build or un- build quantities of assembly items in inventory. Assembly items are created using the Bill of Materials tab in the Maintain Inventory Items window. In Maintain Inventory Items, you name and create the assembly. In Build/un-built Assemblies, you actually put together or "build" the assembly from its component inventory items. You can also take apart or "un-build" assemblies here. To record the assemblies go to the task drop down list and select the option “assemblies”. As shown in the figure below:

The window of the assemblies will appear when you will click on the option.

In the above mentioned window, enter the Item ID. Give the date on which you are making the assembly. When you will select the ID, the name and the quantity on hand will be automatically written. Write the quantity to build amount. The new quantity will be calculated by the software automatically.

Maintenance of Users of Peachtree


Peachtree accounting security option provides security to your company data. You can set up users ID and their associate passwords with each user. In order to implement the data security for your company, you must set up at least one user ID. To remove the security from your company’s data, erase all established user IDs.
Control: The control level defines the rights the user will have to the selected program area. You can establish the following control levels in Peachtree:
·         No Access; The user cannot open any Peachtree window within the program area. Menu options related to the program area or window will be disabled.
·         Read Only: The user can display the program area or specified Peachtree window or view existing data but cannot enter a new record or change existing data.
·         Add: The user can display the program area or specified Peachtree window and add new records or transactions.
·         Edit: The user can display the program area or specified Peachtree window, add new records or transactions, and maintain (edit) existing data.
·         Full: The user can display the program area or specified Peachtree window, add new records or transactions, maintain (edit) existing data, and delete data. Full access also allows the ability to perform specified system functions.

When you will click on the users option the following window will appear:

In the above mentioned window you gave the user ID and the password. The password should not same for 2 or more users. The same password will not be accepted by the software. You can make the restrictions for the users in the program area. If you want to give no access to the user for a particular program then you will click on the option “no access” as shown in the figure:

But if you want to give the access on the system then you can further customize this option by clicking on the system tab. In system tab the further tasks are given you can give the authority to the user to read, add, edit or erase the information in the system’s analysis, file maintain, option, tasks and reports. As shown in the figure:

Same you can make the amendments for the user either give him/her full authority or access. After making the whole changing click on button save in order to save it.

Use of Global Option in Peachtree

Use of Global Option in Peachtree

To use the global option go to the “options” drop down menu and select the first option “Global”. As shown in the figure:

When you will select this option the following window will appear:

This window has 4 tabs. These are explained below.
The first option in this tab is “decimal entry”. This option is for the number of decimals after the zero. You can select the decimals as per our requirements from the option available by the name, “Number of decimal places”. The maximum numbers of decimals which you can select are “5”. You can also select the decimal placing automatically by clicking on “Automatic” then selecting the number of decimal places as per our requirements. But for this you will have to first select the number of decimal places first and then the option of “Automatic”. Then after this you have “Hide general ledger accounts” option from where you can hide account receivables and account payables from different options in the software such as hiding the account receivable from sale order by selecting account receivable and same will be the procedure for account payable. In “Other Options” you can select different available options to implement them in our complete software. All the settings made here will be implemented in the whole software. After changing all these options or required options click on “Ok” to save.
In general tab the first option is “improve performance”. It has two options first is related to the printing of the reports. And the second is related to the inventory on hand that do not show the inventory on hand in the lookup list.
The second option in this tab is line item entry display. If you select “1 Line” from here then it means that if you are entering a journal entry in the general journal then you have one spare line beneath each debit line to enter the other item and if you select “2 Line” then you have two spare lines beneath each debit line to enter the other two items. Then you can also select the color theme for our software as per our choice.

Peachtree Partners:
From this tab you can select the security level of the software. You can set it as low, medium and high according to your requirement.

As in the Microsoft word, you can check the grammar, spelling dictionary etc in the Peachtree if you enable this option.

Inventory Item Default information

Inventory Item Default information

As we maintain the default information of the customers and vendors, same as we maintain the default information of the inventory items. As we select some specified terms for the customers and vendors which apply on all the customers and vendors, same we will make some terms and conditions for all the inventory items. It includes the general information about the inventory, the general accounts costing information, the custom fields and the pricing of the inventory. To set the default information for the inventory go to the maintain drop down menu and open the default information tab and then select the inventory items option. As shown in the below picture:

When you will select the option of inventory item the following window will appear:

The inventory item defaults window has the following tabs:
General Tab:
The general tab shows the 3 information related to inventory. 1st is the option of the UPC/SKU. This option is regarding the values and codes for your inventory item. These two terms are related to the system of America. If you want to give any bar code to your inventory items so you can select the check box.
The 2nd option is related to the quantity available of the inventory items. This option is about the inventory quantity which is available for you. In Peachtree, there are two methods of maintaining the quantity available. Either you just add those items which are in your hand or you also add those items which you have ordered from your vendors.
GL Accounts/Costing Tab:
These defaults are used when creating new item. Individual records can be changed as they are created in the maintain inventory item screen.

Taxes/Shipping Tab:
Tax shift is used to classify sales taxes for state reporting. Ship method is used for shipping on invoices.

Custom Fields Tab:
Custom fields can be used to enter extra information about items. You can use the fields given to label them on all your label screens. Do remember the enabled box must be checked for tax to be entered.

Price Levels Tab:
Price levels are used in sales transactions to establish different item pricing categories.

Recording of General Entry

Recording of General Entry

Here we will see that what is the procedure to record a general entry in Peachtree software, so for this we will open the software and then click on “TASK” when the window of task is open then from that we will select “General Journal Entry” in order to pass a journal entry in the software. The window of this will be shown below:

After choosing above option we will see a window which is shown below, this is the simple format of a general journal which is used to pass journal entries. Here we will enter the date of the transaction in the “Date” area. We can also give any reference ID to the recorded transaction by mentioning that ID in “Reference” area. By mentioning this ID, searching transactions in the general journal will become easy. In “GL Account” we enter the ID of the account which is involved in the transaction. It can be any account like salaries expense account, wages account, commission account, discount account or any account according to the situation. The first line is for debit while the second line is for credit. If there are two items in debit then first two lines can be used for debit items while in contrary if there are two items of credit then two lines beneath the debit line or lines can be used to record the credit items in the general journal. In “Description” we can enter any description related to the journal entry. In “Debit” we enter the debit amount while in “Credit” we enter the credit amount of the transaction. Like this the journal entry is passed and then saved by clicking on “Save” button at the top bar.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Recording of Receiving of inventory

Recording of Receiving of inventory

When you have given the purchase order to your vendor, now you will receive the inventory. You can also receive the inventory even if you have not sent the purchase order. Now to record the receiving of the inventory from your vendor you will go to the “task” drop down menu and select the option “purchases\receive inventory” click on this option as shown in figure:

When you will click on the option a new window will open. This window allows you to either enter vendor purchase invoices or receive inventory for purchase orders. This window has two tabs:
·         Apply to Purchase Order tab: When you select a vendor who has open purchase orders, Peachtree displays this tab, allowing you to select which purchase order to receive items against.
·         Apply to Purchases tab: If you select a vendor with no open purchase orders, by default Peachtree displays this tab, where you can enter a purchase that did not originate on a purchase order. In addition, if items were included on the purchase invoice that is not included on the purchase order, you can add them here.

So when the window will open, select the vendor’s ID from which you are receiving the inventory. As you select the vendor the tab will shift from “Apply to purchases” to “Apply to purchase Order” as shown in the figure:

Now from the shifted tab select the PO number. Remember select that PO number against which you have given the order for the purchases. When you will select the PO number the list of inventory items will appear on this window. As you can see below:

Now here you will enter the receive inventory that you have received from your vendor. You will only enter the receive amount the other calculations will be calculated automatically by the software. From one of the other essentials for the window one is “Invoice no”. You will enter the invoice no against which you have received the items. The date will be of the day you are receiving and entering the data regarding Receive Inventory. If you do not enter the Invoice no the transaction will not be save. The drop ship option will be selected when you are not going to receive some of the remaining inventory as mentioned in the purchase order. The “waiting on bill” option will be selected if you have not received the invoice against the receiving inventory. Now click on the save button to save the transaction you entered.

Purchase of inventory


In the purchase order window you make the request to your vendor to order the goods/inventory to perform your business operations. When you enter the information in the purchase order window, it does not affect any of your accounting information. The affect only comes when you receive goods you ordered. In the purchase order you describe all the details regarding the goods you are ordering. What types of goods you need, what is the per unit price you have selected for goods, what will be the paying terms, the quantity of the goods every thing is mentioned in the purchase order. When you make the order it does not affect on any account. This is just the simple information that you are providing to your vendor and keeping as a record for your own company. The inventory account will be change when you will receive the goods that you ordered for your business. At the same time, the accounts payable account will be affected for the amount that you will have to pay for the goods you received. It should be remembered that vendor must already be entered before enter the purchase order. If the vendor is not entered then you can not make your purchase order. To open the purchase order window two ways can be used:
First you can open the window from “task” drop down menu. Click on the “task” menu and select the “purchase order” option the window will open.

The second method is that you can open the window from the navigation aid option which is given at the end of the page. To activate the bar of the navigation aid, click on the “option” drop down menu and select the option “view navigation aid”. As shown in figure:

When you will activate the bar, the bar will be appearing below the window as shown in figure:

3rd method is: At the left of the welcome page the one option of “navigation aid” is available. As shown in figure:

From the navigation aid click on the option “Purchases” the select the “purchase order” option. As this is also shown in the below picture:

When you will click on the option of purchase order a new window will appear on your screen showing you the necessary items required for making of purchase order to your vendor.

The above shown figure is of the purchase order window. In the recording of a purchase order the things which you will have to do are:
Select the vendor id, who will supply the goods. Once you select the vendor id, “Remit To and Ship To” fields will be completed automatically by the Peachtree. “Remit to” is the information of the vendor which you are selecting. “Ship to” is the information of your own company. The address which you have already given in the vendor’s information will be shown in the “remit to” field. The address of your company will be visible in the “ship to” field. Next step is to select the purchase order date. As you select the purchase order date, Peachtree automatically estimates the good through date as 30 days however, you can change it. Then enter the purchase order number. It is essential to enter the purchase order number, do not leave it blank because if you will leave it blank the transaction may be recorded by the software but when you will receive the goods from your vendor and will record that transaction the software will not show you the purchase order. Enter the specific quantity required to be ordered. Select the item that is required and the description field automatically fills as you select the item. Whereas Peachtree automatically estimates the GL Account, Unit Price and amount with the default information specified when that item was created. But if no price level is set then you have to give it manually then the total amount will be calculated by the Peachtree automatically.  Once you complete all of the above steps, click the save button to record the purchase order however these entries are not posted to the general ledger until the goods received information is posted. The procedure by the picture is as: