Friday 8 June 2012

Making of Assemblies

Making of Assemblies

You use the Assemblies selection to build or un- build quantities of assembly items in inventory. Assembly items are created using the Bill of Materials tab in the Maintain Inventory Items window. In Maintain Inventory Items, you name and create the assembly. In Build/un-built Assemblies, you actually put together or "build" the assembly from its component inventory items. You can also take apart or "un-build" assemblies here. To record the assemblies go to the task drop down list and select the option “assemblies”. As shown in the figure below:

The window of the assemblies will appear when you will click on the option.

In the above mentioned window, enter the Item ID. Give the date on which you are making the assembly. When you will select the ID, the name and the quantity on hand will be automatically written. Write the quantity to build amount. The new quantity will be calculated by the software automatically.

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