Wednesday 6 June 2012

Recording of Receiving of inventory

Recording of Receiving of inventory

When you have given the purchase order to your vendor, now you will receive the inventory. You can also receive the inventory even if you have not sent the purchase order. Now to record the receiving of the inventory from your vendor you will go to the “task” drop down menu and select the option “purchases\receive inventory” click on this option as shown in figure:

When you will click on the option a new window will open. This window allows you to either enter vendor purchase invoices or receive inventory for purchase orders. This window has two tabs:
·         Apply to Purchase Order tab: When you select a vendor who has open purchase orders, Peachtree displays this tab, allowing you to select which purchase order to receive items against.
·         Apply to Purchases tab: If you select a vendor with no open purchase orders, by default Peachtree displays this tab, where you can enter a purchase that did not originate on a purchase order. In addition, if items were included on the purchase invoice that is not included on the purchase order, you can add them here.

So when the window will open, select the vendor’s ID from which you are receiving the inventory. As you select the vendor the tab will shift from “Apply to purchases” to “Apply to purchase Order” as shown in the figure:

Now from the shifted tab select the PO number. Remember select that PO number against which you have given the order for the purchases. When you will select the PO number the list of inventory items will appear on this window. As you can see below:

Now here you will enter the receive inventory that you have received from your vendor. You will only enter the receive amount the other calculations will be calculated automatically by the software. From one of the other essentials for the window one is “Invoice no”. You will enter the invoice no against which you have received the items. The date will be of the day you are receiving and entering the data regarding Receive Inventory. If you do not enter the Invoice no the transaction will not be save. The drop ship option will be selected when you are not going to receive some of the remaining inventory as mentioned in the purchase order. The “waiting on bill” option will be selected if you have not received the invoice against the receiving inventory. Now click on the save button to save the transaction you entered.

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